DellEMC TechTalk
DellEMC, one of NC State’s Computer Science e-Partners, will be coming to give a TechTalk called DD BOOST: A Distributed Deduplication API.
The talk will be held in EB2, room 1231 (the usual place); as always, pizza and drinks will be provided!
Here’s an abstract for the talk:
How can you make a backup copy of a 10 Gigabyte file over a 1 Gigabyte/sec network link at a rate of 6 – 8 Gigabytes/sec without violating the speed of light or other laws of physics? And how can you store that backup copy on the storage server in as little as 100 Megabytes? DD BOOST is an Application Programming Interface (API) library that does just that by supporting distributed deduplication, with client systems performing segmenting and fingerprinting of file data and the deduplicating storage server system determining which data needs to be sent to the storage server. By suppressing the transmission of duplicate data, this results in dramatic increases in throughput compared to writing via NFS with a median reduction in network traffic of 90 – 99%. This can also reduce the amount of storage space needed to store backups by a factor of 10 – 100. We will describe how DD BOOST does all of this and some of our experiences from several years of customer usage.
Hope to see you there!