On Tuesday, two representatives from the Vanguard Group came out to speak with us about the MEAN software bundle and Hadoop, two technologies that they use every day to build web apps and crunch numbers behind the scene. Vanguard Tech Talk 2017 Panorama

MEAN refers to a combination of MongoDB, Express.js, Angular.js, and Node.js. It is used to develop web applications entirely in javascript! During this talk, a small web app was created which allowed the client to edit 'people' records in the mongo database. The presenter then went through the process of writing unit tests for the app, also written in js.

Vanguard Tech Talk 2017
The second half of the talk covered the basics of Hadoop, which is a framework for distributed storage and computing based on MapReduce. Hadoop is intended to run on and connect a system of commodity compute nodes. One of the basic assumptions it makesis that hardware will fail, so it ensures that the system can recover from hardware failures by duplicating data and changing workflow as compute nodes are added and removed. Vanguard uses the Hadoop framework to crunch the numbers on their investors, to figure out how to better fit their customers' needs.

Many thanks to Vangaurd for making this talk possible.